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From Rich Dad Poor Dad to the President of the U.S. Financial Expert Sharon Lechter, Exit Rich

About Our Guest:

Sharon Lechter, financial literacy expert, keynote speaker, New York Times Bestselling Author, and has 26 books over her 35-year career as a CPA. She has advised 2 presidents on financial literacy and co-authored the International Bestselling series Rich Dad Poor Dad. She was tasked with reenergizing the teachings of Napoleon Hill and worked closely with his organization to promote financial literacy.

Connect with Sharon Lechter

Interview Highlights:

Sharon narrates her career journey from a CPA to becoming financially free at 38 and how she learned to take on new opportunities.

In this episode, we talk about Sharon’s latest book Exit Rich and how it’s designed for entrepreneurs preparing for their exit plan. Listen in to learn the importance of having proper business systems and processes to grow your business and better position yourself for a worthy exit.

Some Questions Asked:

  • [3:27] How did you end up on the path of teaching financial literacy?
  • [15:04] Talk to us about why you wrote Exit Rich and the things it can do for business owners.
  • [34:31] Who is the Exit Rich book written for?
  • [39:41] As you expand your impact, what are you driving to?
  • [42:33] If you could tell the world one thing, what would it be?

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • [3:38] Sharon narrates her career journey from accounting to Rich Dad Poor Dad to advising two presidents and other opportunities.
  • [15:12] How the Exit Rich book will help you position your business in the best light and the best opportunity available.
  • [17:08] The factors to consider about your potential business buyer before they even approach you.
  • [19:01] The six pieces you need to have in place in your business as part of your exit plan.
  • [26:18] The importance of having systems in place in your business and someone to help you.
  • [27:50] Sharon talks about the business model of eXp Realty and the value of investing with them.
  • [30:36] The importance of owning what you pay for to avoid future issues.
  • [34:36] How the Exit Rich book will help you build a strong and versatile business that becomes an asset.
  • [36:50] Learning how to sharpen your tools and stay an authority in your industry.
  • [39:48] Sharon on her goal of elevating people to reach their greatest potential.
  • [42:35] Learn to create the world that you want by making beneficial future choices.
  • [43:28] Sharon’s greatest business mistake and how it became her life’s greatest value.
  • [45:31] How fear drives people to failure and self-sabotage, plus how to find the faith to go after success.


  • “Sometimes you have to close a door for other doors to open.”– Sharon [8:27]
  • “We are all where we are because of the choices we made before today, if you want something different in life, simply make different choices and go out and create the success you deserve.”– Sharon [42:57]
  • “A failure is an occurrence, not a definition, and it’s a learning opportunity for you to not repeat it but to help others avoid it as well.”– Sharon [45:03]


Sharon Social Handle:

Instagram: @sharonlechter

Facebook: @AuthorSharonLechter

Twitter: @sharonlechter

LinkedIn: Sharon Lechter


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