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Why Masterminds are the Fastest Accelerators in Your Business and Life

“Your life is a direct reflection of the expectations of your peer group.” Tony Robbins.

You need more than a business book. A seminar. An MBA. Every guest we have had on PivotMe podcast has made mention of it. Every expert sings it. And admittedly, this was one of my own biggest career mistakes… Going it alone. Believing I would simply figure it all out on my own.

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pivot me

Progress is saying NO to 1,000 things

Steve Jobs famously said “I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.”

He was right. You can’t spell “innovation” without “no.”

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leadership advice

What I learned from Horse Leadership

What I learned from Horse Leadership.
A couple of weeks ago I headed down this old highway headed to an event hosted by a business organization I’m a part of. We were going to a place called EQ Insight. It is a ranch that teaches modern leaders about their leadership style. And learn this, from a horse.

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