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2 Day Strategy Session


When was the last time you took a vacation...

without checking your emails??

Experience the transformative power of our 2-day in-person strategy sessions. These tailored consultations will revolutionize your business, providing the clarity and direction you need to make big changes with confidence. Through deep-dive discussions and strategic planning, April will help you identify key opportunities, overcome obstacles, and develop a comprehensive roadmap for success. You’ll leave with a renewed vision, and a blueprint to get you there. You worked your ass off to get here – it’s time to start living the life you’ve earned.

Here's what you get!

1:1 Live

Benefit from a 1:1 intensive designed to refocus your vision for your life and business. This can fast track your progress by YEARS. Clarify your goals, streamline your strategies, and accelerate your progress.


Map Your Business

We take a deep-dive into your business, market, clients, sales, operations, competitors and more.

You’d be amazed at what opportunities this process can uncover!

Goal Strategy

Take your goals and create a strategic roadmap for fleshing out the charting routes to your goals and your ‘My3Y’

You can’t read the label from inside the jar.

- Blair Enns-

Let April and her team help you see the label, and create the necessary changes to reach your 3 Year Vision.

“April is a true thought leader whose inspiring methods get results. Her energy and business acumen make her an exceptional motivator and advisor. Highly recommended!”

Challenge Review

Little hinges swing big doors. Once we’ve determined your vision and goals, your options and resources – it’s time to choose your steps and plan your moves.

Action Plan

The final stage of the process – April will help you put together an action plan so you can hit the ground running when you get back. This is also a great tool to share with your team so everyone understands where you’re headed and how you’ll get there! No more being inspired at an event or conference, but then no time for execution. Day 2 IS THE EXECUTION and you return to the office light years ahead.

“April was a brilliant business coach, pushing me just the right amount to challenge but not overwhelm. I highly recommend her to any business leader.”

Still on the fence?

Why not schedule free consultation?